With a wealth of experience and an annual spend of over £30 million, our procurement team maintains and controls an approved supplier base catering for a full spectrum of market sectors. We work to standardising the consistency and quality of the goods and services that we provided.
Adding real value to a customer’s projects through the management of complex procurement has been key to our success. We procure for technical and specification-heavy orders from raw material and sub-systems to complete items. This enables our customers’ projects to be streamlined while dealing with just one interface.
They hold a number of accreditations including ASME NCA 3800 certification for supply of castings into the nuclear sector.
We believe that ethical behaviour is imperative; as such we hold a long term outlook and strong belief that acting as an intermediary and managing the supply chain process on behalf of our clients leads to stronger relationships with our customers.
Our procurement strategy is a based upon long term goals and not short term profit. It is this that has helped us to build strong relationships with our suppliers for the benefit of our customers. We consider our suppliers to be strategic partners and as such we work closely with them to develop their own capabilities and processes so that they are working inline with ourselves.
Welcom is our bespoke, in-house process management software package. It ensures that our workflow management is simple and straightforward while providing a real-time view of how business progress aligns to our key performance indicators. Welcom is tailored to fit our business and as a result improves efficiency and reduces risk through the implementing of new business solutions.
Our bespoke production management system coordinates and automates all aspects of our manufacturing process. It translates our customers’ requirements into structured technical specifications for use across the organisation. This software integrates a number of smaller systems, allowing for seamless information flows and efficient production methods.
The automation of our work-flow allows us to track the whole manufacturing process from procurement right through to despatch. In addition all project reports are generated from this system for accurate, real time data for stock control, plant productivity and man hour utilisation. We utilised our own in-house capability to create this system which means that it can be continuously updated to suit our ever evolving business.
Matthew is responsible for overseeing our procurement quotations and order placements. Matthew ensures that the team strive to work with the most cost effective, quality assured and on-time delivery suppliers. Matthew also adopts a project management role for our larger, more complex customer projects.
The product range offered by Goodwin has now been extended to include a selection of high performance Axial Isolation and Control Valves.
Several years of Research, Design and Testing has been carried out to bring these products to market, with international patents pending for innovative design features.
Axial Isolation & Control Valves are used in highly demanding applications where tight shut off, high reliability, fast opening / closing and precise control are desired. Goodwin Axial Isolation & Control Valves represent a highly effective and cost efficient alternative to current designs available to the market.