We produce many structural items from castings, forgings, machining and fabrication in a wide range of materials from carbon steels to the more exotic stainless and duplex stainless grades.
We are one of the most accomplished component suppliers to the suspension bridge sector. Working alongside our sister company Goodwin Steel Castings, we have produced and supplied a variety of component to this sector including castings, fabrication, machining and sub-assembly.
Cable band castings are supplied fully machined, painted and vulcanised together with the associated bolting. Recent supply includes the Oakland Bay Bridge in California, USA and the Hardanger Bridge in Norway. Goodwin have also supplied components for the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong harbour and the Jiangyin Bridge over the Yangtze River in China.
World leaders in the supply of structural components – We have supplied components for vital structures around the globe, from safety critical items to glazing supports.
Design optimisation capability – Our innovative design optimisation techniques allow us to create components that are fit for purpose, first time, every time.
5-axis machining capability to produce complex shapes – We specialise in heavy precision complex milling and turning using exotic materials such as duplex and inconel, and standard materials such as carbon steel and stainless steel.
Working collaboratively with our sister company Goodwin Steel Castings, we are an accomplished supplier to the suspension bridge sector.
The bridge, which links Oakland and San Francisco via a ten lane highway utilises our expert engineering.
Goodwin have a proven track record for taking architectural castings from concept through design and prototyping to finished product.
"The contract to supply has been accomplished according to the specified quality. The supply has been fulfilled in excellent cooperation. The technical quality of the products are excellent. All the milestones for delivery on site were met"
Øivind L. Søvik
Project Manager
"’American Bridge/Fluor Enterprises, Inc., A Joint Venture (ABFJV) wishes to express its appreciation and thanks to Goodwin International, Ltd. for all of its efforts and professionalism to meet the deliver dates. We have enjoyed our working relationship with Goodwin International, Ltd. these past many years"
Brian A. Peterson
Project Manager
The product range offered by Goodwin has now been extended to include a selection of high performance Axial Isolation and Control Valves.
Several years of Research, Design and Testing has been carried out to bring these products to market, with international patents pending for innovative design features.
Axial Isolation & Control Valves are used in highly demanding applications where tight shut off, high reliability, fast opening / closing and precise control are desired. Goodwin Axial Isolation & Control Valves represent a highly effective and cost efficient alternative to current designs available to the market.